The recent financial difficulties have forced everyone to make difficult choices when it comes to the household budget. Many people downsize everything in their lives from the cars they drive to the homes they live in. For some, the move toward single-family homes is about saving money, but for others, the opportunity to live a simpler life is just as great.
The average size of a tiny house is between 100 square feet and 400 square feet. By comparison, the average size of new homes built in the United States in 2013 was about 2,600 square feet. A compact living space is attractive to individuals of all ages, including college graduates, newlyweds, and retirees.
New construction traditionally puts a strain on the earth’s natural resources. Moving into a tiny house is particularly attractive to those people who want to reduce their carbon footprint. Due to their size, many of these homes are built with recycled materials. After they are built, they are energy efficient and produce less waste.
Small house designs make maximum use of the available space. Hidden storage closets and cubbyholes take advantage of areas that usually go to waste. Without extra space, passengers are less likely to accumulate possessions they don’t really need. Without clutter, rooms appear and feel larger than they actually are. Cutting back on impulse purchases means less waste, less money spent and more money saved.